Apogeum Sp. z o.o. provides professional advisory services regarding constructions’ subsoil during all stages of investment and construction processes.

APOGEUM group has been operating since 2006 and provides counselling services for real estate and construction market. In 2010, due to the dynamic growth of the business, a part of the company related to technical designing, geology, geotechnics and environmental protection has been emerged and re-established as the Apogeum Sp. z o.o.

The company provides services in the field of geology, geotechnical engineering, engineering geology, hydrogeology and environmental protection. We are providing all the types of designs, documentations and expertises in above-mentioned fields. Our clients are professionally cared from the site assessment phase before purchase, through the concept design phase, building design phase, permitting, construction, up to operation. Detailed information regarding the range of our services can be found in the OFFER section or can be presented by our office upon request.

Apogeum Sp. z o.o. aims its services to all participants of the development process: investors, developers, project managers, architects, designers, engineers, site managers, construction site inspectors. Apogeum Sp. z o.o. works also for the owners, managers and investors whose properties are adversely affected by soil or groundwater.

Currently Apogeum Sp. z o.o. performs a wide range of design documentations and as-built expertises related to constructions’ subsoil.

We provide geotechnical documentations, hydrogeological documentations, water permit applications, structural and geotechnical expertises, soil pollution tests, soil bearing capacity and compaction tests, environmental due diligence at different stages of development and during occupancy, and many other.

One of the flagship services of the company are expertises leading to detailing and reassessment of geotechnical conditions. Such expertises are being provided immediately after performing the excavation for the foundations. Implementation of such study enables omitting a large number of typical problems and delays associated with earth works and foundation works and is characterised by minimal initial cost.

Reassessment of geotechnical conditions (set previously during design stage of the project) can bring to an investor or a general contractor substantial savings related to changes of the geometry of foundations and load-bearing construction elements or changes of soil improvement techniques.

For more information on this topic see „detailing geotechnical studies” in THE KNOWLEDGE BASE section (in Polish).

Another speciality of the company is to provide geotechnical-engineering expertises and advisory in this field. We specialize in the reports which takes into account the existence of increased adverse effects of land for construction. We design solutions to eliminate the causes of freezing, soaking, dampness, cracking of the underground parts of buildings. In this field of operation the company also provides expertises, opinions and documentation relating to: the modernization/renovation of existing linear and cubic objects, extension of the garbage landfills, construction of new technical infrastructure, assessment of the impact of the planned investment on surrounding constructions, as well as expertises detailing or verifying ground and water conditions in areas designed for ground structure improvement.

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